Allen G Ibsen DVM


Owners Representative




Taking on a new design and construction project comes with a lot of risk. Aside from the time and money required, no two animal hospital design and construction projects are exactly alike, and there is a tremendous learning curve associated with becoming fluent in the process, players, and terminology involved in transforming an idea into a built reality. So how as an owner, even one with experience, can you overcome these challenges to ensure your vision is realized? One way to reduce risk is to find a partner, or an owner’s representative, with the experience and expertise to guide you through the process.

Ideally, an owner’s rep is engaged at the very beginning of the process. This way they’re able to work alongside the owner to identify budget and project objectives, a realistic schedule based on the project’s goals, and a clear understanding of what success looks like to them. Once these fundamental pieces are in place, the rep can then help identify and assemble the ideal team of design, construction, and specialty consultants to deliver on the clients’ goals. From that point forward, it’s about management, communication, and coordination. 

There are many players in the process of design and construction: architects, contractors, attorneys, accountants, engineers, sales reps, city officials etc.  It is wise to have an owner’s representative on your side of the table looking after your best interest.



Allen G Ibsen DVM

Owners Representative

"Free Consultation"

Just call:




I will be more than happy to visit with you about your plans and
answer your questions about building your new facility.